Welcome to Habesha Cement
Empowering Communities
Offering 941 Job opportunities to the national citizens.
Paving A Way To A Brighter Future
Providing over 2,300 books to reach 6,000 students and make education accessible to all
Adherance To High Corporate Governance Standards
At Habesha Cement we are Transparent both financially and through our procurement processes
Our Products

Habesha Cement

PPC 32.5 N (Portland Pozzolana Cement)
This is one of the quality products by Habesha Cement Share Company which has a 32.5 N Strength Class. The Portland Pozzolana Cement is ideal for general construction which does not require high early strength. It is preferably suited for constructions such as residences and fences.
OPC 42.5 R (Ordinary Portland Cement)
This product offered by Habesha Cement has a 42.5 R Strength Class. This cement type has a higher cement strength and is mostly used for constructions requiring heavy weight resistance like bridges, concrete roads, high rise buildings, etc.

OPC 42.5 N (Ordinary Portland Cement)
OPC 42.5N is an Ordinary Portland Cement with attributes of high early & late strengths even though it is classed as 42.5N. Its early strength (2 days) reaches up to 25 MPa, whereas its late strength (28 days) reaches up to 53.5 MPa.
Direct Sales Channel
This serves our key customers based on their volume of construction and investment in the direct use of cement such as Contractors, block makers, home builders and other large scale projects.
Indirect Sales Channel
Serves customers that resale our products or where intermediaries are involved, such as distributors and Retailers. These customers collects the products from the factory by their own trucks.
Sales and Delivery
Distribution Channels
Product is delivered to customer’s premises through Habesha Cement Share Company trucks
Customers come to pick cement at the factory.
Safety, Health and Environment
Our modern dedusting systems have ensured that the plant particulates emissions are well below the minimum standards in Ethiopia. Continuous improvements are made to ensure compliance with international standards.
For Habesha Cement Share Company, achieving environmental sustainability is one of its’ main objectives. We are committed to carrying out our operations in an environmentally responsible manner and constantly strive to minimize the adverse impact of mining and cement production. We adhere to health and environmental standards at the global and national levels. .
Environmental protection is a key focus for Habesha. Maintaining a clean and green environment with tree cover greater than 5% has driven us to partner with communities in Holeta and Goro to promote tree planting.