Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Habesha Cement Share Company (HCSC) firmly believes in the core principle that its business operation will be strong and smooth if the communities have economic, social and environmental stability.
The construction of a 10 kilometer gravel road connecting HCSC’s Quarry and Crusher site with Goro town.
Upgrading the 21 kilometer road connecting Goro town with Goro village at the Mugher asphalt road junction Spent an estimate of 40 million ETB
A public road of 17km distance has been repaired at an estimated cost of 705,307 Birr in Meta Wolkite District by assigning its machinery.
The regular repairmen and maintenance of 30 kilometer rough road to transport limestone raw material, which public transportation also uses in the areas.

Safe drinking water for the local community around the plant site is expected to benefit more than 100 households and the Goro Mako health center.

The company has donated a full package of solar power generator to Goro Mako
Community Health Center costing 300,000 ETB.

Donation of More than 2,300 supplementary books and globs to 12 primary schools in five woredas, which are expected to reach about 6,000 students cost about 120,000 ETB.

Goro high school two block building project for for Goro site Community is one of CSR categorized by Education, with 3,640,725.46 birr capital.

Improved chickpea seed was distributed to farming households in Five Kebeles of Wolmera woreda, whose crop fields were flooded by torrential rainfall in Ethiopia’s summer.

Organized unemployed Youth around Meta Welqite (Suba Gajo locality) in a Tyre repair business. The support includes complete technical training and working equipment’s costing about 100,000ETB.

Financial support of half a million ETB to the drought-affected areas in the Oromia National Regional State & a donation of 100,000 ETB to the special zone of Oromia surrounding Finfinnee.
Donated an aggregate crusher to 33 unemployed university graduate Youth around Goro area organized by the district’s SME office. Installation of the crusher and full technical support cost around 500,000 ETB.

We continuously interact with a wide variety of stakeholders to discuss and address society’s most pressing needs. Beyond this, we actively engage with community elders, employees, advisory groups, government and non-governmental organizations who provide important and valuable advice.